Monday, October 31, 2011


Friday brought us to southern Mass. Had dinner with a couple of wonderful friends. Stayed at this HUGE campground - 300 RV's? 20,000 sq. foot lodge, 4 pools, 5000 kids and 400 dogs... it was bizarre! Very well run though. And Halloween weekend!

Saturday was a different day. Got as far as the border of Conn. and NY and got stuck in the snow storm on Rt. 84. After dodging downed trees and branches, we sat on the highway for 4.5 hours while the tow trucks tried to clear the road of tractor trailor trucks. They were everywhere. After we got going, we pulled off the next exit and, with nothing in sight, spent a cozy night at a "park and ride". We were grateful to be off the road in one piece!

So much for getting out before the snow. On the other hand, we woke up to a beautiful morning with trees covered in snow and a brilliant sun. Absolutely gorgeous!!