Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fall is coming!

It's been awhile since I last wrote here. Someone recently reminded me to get on the stick and update. I hadn't realized how long. It has been a very busy summer.
Working a campground is 24/7. And we had to be able to do anything, from maintenance to cleaning to solving "issues" with campers. All in a days work. A lot of work, but we met some really cool people, and canines, along the way. A stand out of the canines was Crystal. Crystal arrived in a 1958 camper that had been lovingly restored by the owners. The tail lights are adorable, and the all wood original interior are amazing. And as cute as it is, it was Crystal that did it for me. Her story: At one month old she crawled her way out of a house fire to be rescued by the firefighters. Her mother and siblings were not so lucky. She was taken to the local vet hospital where for the next 5 months she underwent many surgeries. Amazingly not once did she whimper or cry out. She was then adopted out to a wonderful couple. She is now 4 years old and loving every second of life! What a happy girl!

She even has her own blog and Facebook page!
         Another we met are from Salt Lake City. At 1 in the morning we helped them set up a new
[for them] pop-up trailer. That cemented our friendship for the weekend.

We also had a number of other really cool trailers from the 50's and 60's.

like this "Bambi" 1953 if I remember correctly...

We were also privileged to get a family of musician's just returning from a blue grass festival in Weiser known nationally for it's world class players. So Mom and Dad, and their 3 daughters played for us on their last evening at the campground. Dad played guitar and banjo, Mom played the cello, and the girls played fiddles. It was amazing! I think the youngest was 8!

And twice this summer John's nephew and family came up to Lava and put on a star show at the campground. Chris is really into his telescopes. At night we were able to see Saturn, the moons of Jupiter, and during the day we could see the sun with its spots and flares!

But the summer wasn't all fun and games. My father passed away near the end of July, after a long battle with cancer. Thankfully John is here to help [and put up with] my processing of all the emotions, wrapped in grief. And my older sister... a godsend. Thank you evryone for being there.

At the moment we are in Boise, having left Lava mid Sept. We had a job working on a house left from last summer doing some repair and paint. A few other odd jobs then we head to Salt Lake City for our annual house sit for John's nephew Chris. Always a good time!
After SLC we will head to???

We hope you are all well and happy!

Scott and Johnney