Friday, February 21, 2014

Boise and beyond

A big hello to everyone!
It's been awhile since I've blogged here. Missing you all...
Last blog we were in Salt Lake around Halloween. From there we made our way to Boise to see John's sister Sue, his niece Katy, husband John, and kids Kai and Mia. It's always a great time since they all live next door to each other. We were there til the end of January. Great time catching up, eating, and hanging out for the holidays. We did have a few small jobs. Indoor stuff like a minor bath remodel, painting, installing a water heater and a few other minor jobs. Christmas was fun [ yes, I did say that] with the kids around. And a few parties with the family. It was the most Christmas stuff I've done in many a year!

Thank you Sue for all that you are.
At this point I took a week to go to Florida to see my Dad. It was so good to see him, and I loved all the humidity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
But it is good to be on the road again. And away from Boise's inversion! The air quality was really bad for a long time. It finally lifted shortly before we left.
After leaving Boise we stopped in Salt Lake for a few days to see Chris and Missy [same place as Halloween]. They are having new wood floors put in. Can't wait to see!
From there we went south to St. George to see one of John's brothers. Next pic is the view from our site up in Snow Canyon...

Next stop was the Virgin River Gorge in the very northwest corner of Arizona. We met up with Dylan, John's youngest, who was rock climbing there. Had a few days with him before he headed off to Nevada. This pic is the view from our site in the Virgin River Gorge. It is so nice to be back in the desert! Cedar Pocket was the campground there, right on the river. Really nice and 20 miles from any direction to civilization! We met another couple, Dave and Michelle, and had a nice time hanging with them a few times. And I got my dog fix with the two dogs they have - Peanut and Aruba!


We did take one day and went to Mesquite, Nevada to see a cousin of John's he hasn't seen in several years. She is a hoot!
Also looked for jobs in St George. But being a strong Mormon town that wasn't going to happen. They don't like non-Mormons. It can be very uncomfortable with them.
So onward we went, up towards Zion National Park. Stopped along they way just outside the town of LaVerkin in this canyon known for it's "cracks" The top of the mesa was spider-webbed with "cracks", some coming back as much as 30-40 yards. And very deep.

On the second day we hiked down the canyon to the river. Lots of sandy beaches. Beautiful, sunny day. And a very long and steep hike back!
From there we headed closer to Zion, spending our next night on Kolob Terrace, again by the river. Wasn't sure the bus would make it down the "road" but it has never failed us. Suspension creaks and groans sometimes... but don't we all as we get older!
Tonight we are in Springdale, right outside the gates to Zion. We needed a good hot shower, propane, diesel, laundry, and internet.
 Depends on whether we go left or right at the next stop sign...

big hugs!
Scott and Johnney